Monday, September 20, 2010

I don't even like bicycles...

Yet, here I am switching gears more often than Lance Armstrong in the thick of the Tour de France. This past weekend proved itself especially bizarro. I jumped from community theater practice (Carol Burnett style) to watching a suspense filled Jake Gyllenhaal flick to retail sales to listening to an 80's hair band (did you know that an 80's hair band actually means that these guys have lots of hair?? Complete with wind blowing machine even?) to more sales and then football watching (kind of). Everywhere I go and everything that I do lately, my first thoughts begin with my new favorite four-letter word: BLOG! I see myself pretending to be a phony invalid - blog. I see crazy mattress kicking customers - blog. Watching my mother watching the previously referenced movie - blog. Hair band and the groupies and the drunkards and the hair - holy Hannah, all the hair! - blog, blog, blog, blog. Also thrown into the loop, please insert: assistant wedding planner and chef, personal shopper, dog groomer and ballet costume designer. I am thinking that this checkered routine might look divine on my resume when I finally get a full-time paying gig in the workforce. What does everyone else do? Does anyone really only have one job anymore or do y'all have many hats that you wear each day? I function better in chaos, so this insanity suits me pretty well. I have to admit that I am horribly, easily distracted (I often joke that my little Emmy and I are like seagulls - if we see anything shiny or sparkly, we are gone!). I would like to think that I can focus and do just one something really well, but honestly, I don't know that I would ever be able to do just that. I am a loose synapse. I need a smidge of disarray. A splatter of havoc. And I need to blog it! Ooh - I found a quarter!

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