Monday, October 11, 2010

where's the beef??

Today feels like a good day to complain. Not any major, heroic complaints, but everyday, nagging, annoying gripes. Here's an adequate end of the day start:

1) Columbus Day - who was this guy anyway? I do appreciate that the children had the day off from school (kid count at my house topped off at 7), but I wonder if he is really a bloak that actually deserved a whole day in his honor. Why not Sacagwea Day? America was already discovered, right? He was a guy who got lost and happened to bump into a rock in Plymouth (forgive my historical errors). Big deal - I get lost and bump into stuff all the time.

2) Holiday traffic at walmart (will not waste capitilization on this rotten place) when I just need to find a stinking skateboard for my 8 year old. I swear that people sped up and tried to run me and the 4 children over in the parking lot either because they were desperate to find a parking spot in the sea of pick-ups or they were fleeing from the insanity from inside the smelly store. Whatever the case - danger!

3) Skateboards - I think that they are stupid and that they are just something else that I will trip over when I emerge onto the porch half asleep and under-caffeinated at 8A on my way to the bus stop.

4) No mail today. I really like the mail. Especially junk mail. Don't worry, I recycle.

5) Sand art. Not a cool birthday present. Will remember this for gift giver's child's next party. Both of you. There is brightly colored sand in my hair, in my shoes and down my shirt and possibly other places that I haven't checked yet.

6) Not remembering all of my other grievances. I know that I had more, but I have forgotten as I am totally defeated from the day. Grrr...

7) Also whining, crying, nagging, tattling, budgets, my bangs, indecisiveness, the fact that candy is not a healthful dinner option, others constantly encroaching on my very own personal space, selective deafness, folding and putting away laundry, lukewarm showers and pumping my own gas.

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