At the risk of sounding like an old grumpy Grandpa, gas is $3.39999 per gallon! I remember when I could fill my car for $15 and a gallon of milk was $2 and a loaf of bread was, well, considerably less than it was the other day! Of course I had to walk 36 miles in the snow, all uphill and with no shoes to get to the gas and grocery store, but seriously, what the heck?! I detest spending insane amounts of cash on things that I don't actually want. I do understand retail and the middle man foolishness, but honestly, this is crazy.
Here are things I don't like paying for:
1) gas and heating oil (put on a doggone sweater!)
2) all things related to cars (including the car, parts, labor, tolls, etc.)
3) checking bags at the airport (I have to buy 5 tickets, isn't that enough?)
4) crappy food (what a bummer)
Here are things that I don't mind paying for:
1) clothes and shoes (we need to look good, right?)
2) good food (I really like Japanese)
3) flowers (mental health booster - invaluable)
4) vacations and souvenirs (memories are forever afterall)
I am thinking that I might like to move to a deserted island, eat coconuts and mangos and make a nice tree house. I could totally save money doing this.
To make this a reality, I only need to:
a) book plane tickets (and find uninhabitated tropical island),
b) pack 67 suitcases (need to go shopping for island wear),
c) drive to airport (probably should to get gas for the van)
d) pack a lot of snacks (kids don't like coconuts and mangos apparently),
e) make sure oil tank is full so pipes don't freeze and burst (still winter),
f) arrange for furniture delivery (no one sleeps well on roots and dirt)
Ok, so perhaps this fantasy is precisely what it is - a fantasy. Unless I go alone. I could totally rough it by myself. Anyone want to join me??
I don't know why I missed this post, but I love it! Alicia