Friday, August 20, 2010

you may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not (the only one)

Didn't think that it was possible, but I actually discovered a household chore that I loathe more than scrubbing toilets. It is called scraping an entire pack of Stride Shift Flavor Changing Gum Citrus to Mint out of the drum of the dryer (after the dryer cycle was finished drying the chewy bits to the clothes and the dryer itself). As I was waist deep into the belly of the sticky beast, grumping at my foolish disregard of a certain 8 year old's query, "have you seen my gum?", I thought that this might be a good hiding place. It's cool and it smells nice and since not one of my children typically offers to help with the laundry, it would probably be very quiet. I ran through this fantastic daydream scenario for a couple of minutes, but like most of my daydreams, it was tragically interrupted with the crazy, unhappy thought that I might get stuck in there for days (again, because it would be the last place that anyone would dare look for me for fear that there might be a clean and dried load that was ready to be carried upstairs). Can you imagine the repercussions of leaving 3 little people left unsupervised for more than 7 minutes? I pictured the toga party scene from Animal House crossed with Old School and a bit of the Chipmunks for good measure and speedily emerged from the Kenmore. Haunted by visions of a shaved dog, 24 devoured birthday cupcakes, and reckless rides around the house on the canister vacuum, I finished the task at hand in near record time (if there was a record for this olympic sized event, I would have totally beat it) thanks to my Sol-U-Mel (Melaleuca plug), I was able to remove the viscid residue and return to reality - I had cake and frosting and fondant flowers to tend to afterall!

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