Thursday, July 29, 2010

can I pull this off?

Last night, I went out with my bestest girlfriend. She is the kind of friend that needs no schedule of the night's events. More often than not, we tear out of the house while peeling a toddler (or, in her case, an old confused Papa) off of one leg and meet at the park-and-ride, just to get away. Let me preface this by first proclaiming the insane amount of love that I have for my sweet husband and my wonderful offspring. This being said, I sometimes just need a break. A break from being the maid and the short order cook and the entertainment committee and the dog walker. Just a short sanity break so I am not found rocking and drooling in the corner of the kitchen like one of those abandoned baby monkeys I learned about in Developmental Psychology. Somewhere between impulsively purchasing a zebra print skirt (so uncharacteristic of me) and realizing that we were looking at menus from a restaurant that we thought was a different restaurant, it dawned on me that I couldn't possibly be the only one on the planet that suffers from mom overload, memory lapses and momentary spells of poor judgement. And you know what? I am actually grateful for this dreadful awakening - I am slightly crazy. I don't know exactly what this means, but it feels good to be free (work in progress obviously) of some of the standards that I have painstakingly forced upon myself. So today, I will take an extra deep breathe instead of going off the deep end and I will be thankful that I have a great husband and terrific children (even when they are all annoying me) because when I look at the alternative - wow - way worse. And when I ask, "can I pull this off?", I have no other choice but to do just that - to step out of my comfort zone, take a chance in life every once in a while and wear the zebra print skirt proudly. I hope that if nothing else, loyal (wink) blog readers, I have offered you a smidge of perspective. I invite you to continue to let me regale you with tales from one mother to another...


  1. I love your brilliant honesty. You never cease to make me laugh. Congrats.

  2. Great job! Can't wait to hear more!
